- #Justin roberts knots knotes manual#
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Here is a link to a website on Euclidean constructions with just a ruler and a straight edge. Here is a link to a great online version of Euclid's Elements with the Geometry Applet by David Joyce at Clark. Here is a link to an online Euclidean geometry text that is useful. If you want to buy the book online at Amazon as a paper copy for $10.80 click here. Hitchman, Geometry With An Introduction To Cosmic Topology.
#Justin roberts knots knotes free#
Here is a link to a free online copy of the text book: Michael P. Here is a link to the student goals for Aleks. Here is a link to the student information sheet for Aleks. Those outside of the class should contact me for access/ permission to use the videos.) Math 111: Mon, Wed, Fri 8:00-9:15 and Mon, Wed, Fri 9:30-10:45 amįor the MST 111 videos (these are only open to and intended for students registered in the class. Ĭlick here for a link to the a Maple worksheet on approximate integrals including the trapezoid rule and Simpson's rule. Here is a Maple worksheet to on solids of revolution. Here is a link to the a very basic Maple worksheet on taking integrals. Here is a link to the a very basic Maple worksheet to use as a template for graphing functions. Here is a link to Justin Roberts' Knot Theory Text, Knot Knotes. Here is a link to Hatcher's 3-manifold topology text. Here is a link to Hatcher's algebraic topology text. Here you can find an applet that lets you drag points to do complex iteration of seeds.
#Justin roberts knots knotes code#
Here you can find code to create a Mandlebrot set.
#Justin roberts knots knotes manual#
Here you can find Manual Zoom on the Mandlebrot set. Here you can find Zoom video of Mandlbrot set on Youtube link. Here you can find chaos game applet for Sierpinski gasket fractals.

Here you can find Sierpinski Triangle images including zoom. Here is a link to a Maple worksheet on taking integrals.Īnd the course schedule (permissions required). Here is a Maple worksheet to use as a template for graphing functions. Here is a link to the a Maple worksheet on Newton's Method. Here is a link to the a Maple worksheet on Reimann Sums (useful in 111 and 112). Here is a link to the a very basic introduction to Maple.

Knots, Reidemeister Moves and Knot Invariants.On Homology 3-Spheres Defined by Two Knots 3.Grade 7/8 Math Circles Knot Theory What Are Mathematical Knots?.The Kauffman Bracket and Genus of Alternating Links Bryan M.Unexpected Ramifications of Knot Theory.Topological Quantum Computing and 3-Manifolds.Lecture Notes Knot Theory and Applications.Unlinking Dna: Xerc/Xerd Site-Specific Recombination And.Matrix Representation of Knot and Link Groups Jessica May Harvey Mudd College.States, Link Polynomials, and the Tait Conjectures a Thesis Submitted by Richard Louis Rivero to the Department of Mathematics H.Applied Topology - Seminar 15: Knot Theory.Torus Links and the Bracket Polynomial by Paul Corbitt Advisor: Dr.Computing Invariants of Knotted Graphs Given by Sequences of Points in 3-Dimensional Space.A Knot Polynomial Invariant for Analysis of Topology of RNA Stems and Protein Disulfide Bonds.Alexander-Conway and Jones Polynomials∗.A Study of Topological Invariants in the Braid Group B2 Andrew Sweeney East Tennessee State University.A BRIEF INTRODUCTION to KNOT THEORY Contents 1.The Supercrossing Index of Torus Knots Ryan Lain Petitfils.Knot Module Lecture Notes (As of June 2005) Day 1 - Crossing and Linking Number.Knot Genus Recall That Oriented Surfaces Are Classified by the Either Euler Characteristic and the Number of Boundary Components (Assume the Surface Is Connected).The Trefoil Knot Is As Universal As It Can Be.Petal Projections, Knot Colorings and Determinants.The Kauffman Bracket and Genus of Alternating Links.Knot Theory and the Alexander Polynomial.A Computation of Knot Floer Homology of Special (1,1)-Knots.An Introduction to Knot Theory and the Knot Group.